Grain Storage: Considerations to Maintain Quality: Part 5 - Conculsion

Aeration Conclusions

a. Grain should be aerated to
i. Maintain uniform temperature in the grain mass.
ii. +/- ºC Average Daily Ambient Temperature (day and night).
iii. Regularly every 30 days recommended.
iv. When the difference between the grain temperature and the outside are do not exceed 9 º'bcC.

b. When you start an aeration cycle, do not stop the aeration fans until the aeration front passes entirely through the air mass.
i. You may use the temperature detection system to determine when the aeration cycle is complete.
ii. Only if necessary, you can aerate by time if you are confidant that you know the aeration rate (0.10 CFM or 1/10 CFM per bushel) and that your aeration system is performing efficiently.


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