Catfish Feed Production Formulation & Process

As is known to all, catfish has quite high nutritional value due to its good taste, delicate meat quality and its better dietary therapy function for those ill nourished people. With the sweet flavor and warm in property, catfish is in favor of urinating and treating edema, becoming good item to promote lactation and essential food material for women to nourishing after childbirth. In general, each 100g fish meat contains 64.1g water content, 14.4g protein and various mineral elements and micro elements, all of which make catfish specially suitable for the weak people to eat. In addition, because of its artificial breeding property, catfish has amazing market potential. Among the cost of aquaculture, catfish feed makes up a large proportion due to the high price of fish feed, so Amisy suggests fish farmers to produce catfish by own through nutritious catfish feed production formulation, advanced catfish feed production technology and high performance fish feed machine.
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